CS 192 Central Workbin - Leyte State University

This is the central work area for the course CS 192 Computer Ethics at Leyte State University

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Discussion Modules 7 & 8

Computer Abuses
- Choose one example of computer abuse and discuss why you consider it morally wrong using any of the ethical principles you have learned in the previous modules

- Search the internet for new materials/innovation/service which you consider an abuse in computing. Support your discussion using ethical principles discussed earlier

Privacy Issues
- Think of an act, other than those already discussed in the module that would constitute a violation of privacy in computing. Explain

Friday, November 25, 2005

More on commandments in computing

if an altruist(one who looks the welfare of others) is asked to evaluate pornography on the net and hacking. How would he categorize these two issues in conjunction with the commandments of computing? Append your discussion in the module 6 session.

Note: I observe some of your posts do not contain substantial discussion. Be aware that wishy washy posts like affirming only items that have been previously discussed do not count as your own work or opinion; you need to support your answers by drawing out real life situation or experience that seems to relate our discussions


I know most of you are quite good in expressing your thoughts. However, I contend that we will post discussions especially in expressing thoughts in english. I am not totally saying that the native tongue is disallowed. There are cases that you want to exemplify a case scenario using visayan language especially in depicting true-to-life conversations or quoted expressions by real-life people or situations. I strongly commend that the meat of your discussions and thoughts on matters you want to explain be written in English. This is a must for technical manual preparation because you can not use visayan dialect in technical writing.
Please be guided accordingly...

M. Gonzales

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Discussion Session Module 5 & 6

Moral Problems

Which do you think is the most pervasive moral problem today especially in computing. Support your answer and cite some examples.

Commandments in Computing.

Discuss whether the following adhere or don't adhere to any of the commandments in computing.

1. Pornography on the net
2. Spamming
3. Hacking
4. Sending chain letter emails(such as prayer and novena)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cases for Computer Ethics

I need you the read in advance the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics which we will take up in Module 6. I need you to prepare a unique case scenario that would exemplify one or more of the given commandments. Each one of you will discuss(maybe 3-5 mins each) your own case on thrusday.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The adherents of Egoist and Altruist

Fiel's Case:
Egoist: Atik ra kaayo nang kang Fiel oi... Asa ba na mubahat og program nga libre unya lisod pa gyud. Naa gyud naay hidden agenda sya.

Atruist: Maayong tao gyud na si Fiel no... Imagine naningkamot gyud cyag himo ug lisod nga program para sa atong kaayohang. Mabuhay ka Fiel!

Mona's Case:
Egoist: Maglibre kog mga softwares para ang akong skwelhan. Kahibalo ko nga dili sila kabalibad... anyway naa man koy royalty sa mga libro nako. Unya mosikat na dayon nang akong libro ug daghan dayong mopalit. yes yes! good strategy. More royalties to come and soon I will be become richer...

Altruist: Kinahanglan gyud pod ko motabang sa akong Alma mater oi. Sigurado makatabang gyud ning advanced nga mga softwares sa US. At least ma hi-tech na pud ang facilities sa DCST

Franchele's Case:
Egoist: Yes ako pa gyud cguroy first nga naka himo of virus sa Linux. Ako gyud ang hawod karon sa Linux programming. At least maka ingon sila di gyud ko basta basta.

Altruist: Na-master na gyud nako ang Linux at least karon makatabang na kog himo ug antivirus para sa Linux in the future. This virus code I made is a perfect reference and a good contribution to the open-source community making anti-virus programs.

Lilian's Case
Egoist: Da... nakabalos na gyud ko ninyong taga NBI-ya amo... grabe ninyo ang pagsakit nako. At least karon nakabalo na mo nga walay sukod sa bawos. You tasted the wrath of Yen! hahahahaha.....

Altruist: At least, ang ubang mga tawo nga nahiagum sa human rights violation maka kab-ot pud ug justisya. I am sure more victims will come out in the open. This will serve as the warning for those who are in abusing their power.

Jhong and Benson 's Case
Jhong: Tara na 'son designan nato ug Website tanan government agencies. I am sure they will go for 1 million
Benson: Makaya kaha na nato?
Jhong: mang-hire ta ug team unya free consultancy gyud
Benson: Yes!!! madato na gyud ta ani. nindoton gyud nato ug maayo para taga-an pa tag lain project

Jhong: 1 million contract is gyud enough. At least when we have the project we can hire other CS graduates to help us in the project
Benson: Unya i-free lang nato ang consultancy. At least support pud sa goberyno to save budget. Imagine the country can save money and they will spend only 1 million for this. pwede man sab ta manguha ug practicumers... so daghan matabangan
Jhong: Good idea 'Son .... you're a genius and a true patriot.!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Web problem and Grading

I have visited and completed reading your posts minutes after I made this post. However some did not complete their work. I also found out that the URLs below are not accessible.


Be aware that I will grade you posts before we start our discussion for the next modules. This means that I will have the morning of November 17, 2005 to do a final check. As I was telling, you can submit a hard copy as an alternative if you are not ready yet with your site.

Take note that I will only grade the content and creativity of your discussion(which is 50%). The web aethetics(30%) and the peer's evaluation(20%) will be rated during midterm. The total will comprise the rating for the discussion sessions

Discussion Session Module 3 & 4

Module 3 - Preliminary Theories

Discuss how adherents of ethical egoism / altruism would analyze the following situation. Support your answers
  1. Fiel designed a computer software that would make detection of enemy codes easier
  2. Mona plans to buy licensed software in the US using royalties from the sales of her book on computer ethics and donate the software to her alma mater
  3. Francele wants to create a virus that affect only linux O.S.
  4. Lilian debugged a secret code of NBI and sabotage the whole system as form of revenge for what she considers NBI violation of her human rights
  5. Jhong contracted Benson to design the web site of a government agency at the cost of 1million and added free consultancy service

Module 4 - Final Theories

Which do you think seems to predominate in the world of computing as you know it? Support your answer by giving an example

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Link to Lectures Notes

Module I & 2 Cases For Discussion

Module 1 Case

Cindy is a student from a prestigious university. They were given a case scenario on which they are ask to raise their opinion based on the ethical principles discussed in their ethics class. Cindy was so resourceful that she found quite good opinions and explanations from the internet. Consequently she simply copy- pasted and the online-material. She submitted her output with minor edits on the contents. As the result, her professor was so impressed by her work.

As a moral agent, what is your judgment on Cindy’s conduct? Support your position using any of the definition of ethics discussed in this module

Module 2 Case

Jake bought licensed computer software at MouseNBrowse. Because of the high price he paid for the purchase of the software, Jake thought of reproducing copies of it to be sold to friends and acquaintances. Jake knew he would be violating the law. Nevertheless, he executed his plan and sold pirated software.

Comment on this situation with each of the four types of laws in mind. To what extent does each of the four types of law apply in this case

Students URLs

Online References

Computer Ethics Site References
Renato Constantino's Weblog (Blog)
Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism Weblog (Blog)
Fieser, J (ed.), 2003, “Ethics,” The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Philippine Intellectual Property code
Forney, M. 6 Jun 2005. "Faking It." Time Asia.
Bynum, T, 2001, “Computer Ethics, Basic Concepts and Historical Overview," The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
“Hoaxbusters” - Computer Incident Advisory Capability of the US Department of Energy
Quittner, J. (Aug 25, 1997). “Invasion of Privacy,” TIME Magazine
World Summit on the Information Society
World Forum on Communication Rights
Supreme Court of the United States, 27 June 1977, “Supreme Court Opinion on the Communications Decency Act of 1996,” Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition
Haselton, B, 12 December 2000, “Amnesty Intercepted: Global human rights groups blocked by Web censoring software ,” Peacefire
McClellan, J, 20 Feb 2003, “War on the Web,” Guardian Unlimited Online
Lumantao, GE, 2003, “Free Software and/or Open Source: Creative Responses to Intellectual Property Rights”
McConnell International LLC, December 2000, “Cyber Crime and Punishment? Archaic Laws Threaten Global Information”
APA Style Guide