CS 192 Central Workbin - Leyte State University

This is the central work area for the course CS 192 Computer Ethics at Leyte State University

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Discussion for Module 9 & 10

Module 9
Choose one of the social issues in computing discussed and find out to what extent it is an issue in the Philippines. Find out what is being done to address it in specific countries. For example, in the case of the digital due to language differences, Soriano reports the adoption of the"unicode standard", a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the wirtten texts of the diverse languages of the modern world". furthermore, evaluate, what will be your role in address the social issue you have chosen.

Module 10
Discuss one of the issues taken up from the point of view of the preliminary and finalist theories (3 preliminary theories and 3 finalist theries). That is, you will come up with six perspectives on the issue you choose.


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